Nothing like a 22 ounce Estwing hammer. My choice as well! Enjoyed your post, again.

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i actually settled on 20 but always have sledge nearby 🤣

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by appleton king

I remember reading this for the first time last year, A. So much has happened since then, yet in some ways, it feels like nothing has changed. Metaphorically, I believe that behind every bridge was once a bird with broken wings. They had to find a way to fly, didn't they? Wishing you and America—a place I hold near and dear for more reasons than I can fully understand—all the best.

P.S. I've been thinking a lot about birds these days.

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i have been too! just refreshed the hummingbird feeders here and love watching them dip their beaks at it hungrily


as you did with that first writing

meant alot...encouraged me 😚

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Jul 6Liked by appleton king

Why I’m forever taken aback at finding Faulkner is your voice I don’t know, but I’ll take a shot at opposing the narrative that Biden must step aside, although I’m half persuaded that he intends to as he cedes the floor to his defenders- the governor from California who has a crazy first wife affixed to one ankle like a rabid squirrel.

The focus deserves to be on the insanity in a badly tailored suit in Florida yesterday, today and tomorrow. Every day, every hour. Let’s take a break from watching a competent team of people that have secured the economy, supported allies, and apparently do not sell secrets to Putin.

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its all infuriating and i just learned this week who newsom's ex is

jaysus...that makes me favor Whitmer even more but i fear if Joe hangs on past this weekend's sobering polll numbers and mounting defections he will make it too messy for his opposition (and i am one) to get close enough in for a clean painless shot ie ushering to stage left one heck of a career and decent man but now just rat poison for our chances

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Jul 6Liked by appleton king

And yet I think as a candidate he can win. I watched Kamala on Jimmy Kimmel earlier this week. She should be more visible because she’s impressive as hell. I’m not reluctant to vote for them at all.

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nor would i NeVER not vote democratic and she is wonderful always has been but at this point she or gretchen must be at top of the ticket

the sinking polls arent catching up to this runaway MAGA monster now i dont care if the list of trumps sins are carved into his supporters thighs

and preached over until it becomes ingrained in suburban craniums everywhere

our candidate's worth on the market has fallen bad as crypto

i hate it but can face it

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Jul 6Liked by appleton king

I defer to greater experience- and immensely greater writing, but I’m going to exasperate you here and while asking you defer contempt for me - reiterate Ithat I believe it can work. Plus I think the gangster GOP are trying a little too hard to have him step away …

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well first the last id ever do of one as pure of instinctual sense of justice, sanity and of deep character that doesn't need "writer" attached for one to see her likes etc.. ever show or feel contempt

i get overheated with politics and tend to roll thru argument once mind is made up but...yes...as opposed to this lurking smirking Trumpian empty skirt Biden/Harris might yet prevail...id just rather not pass on the certainty of annihilating him with someone more youthful...in rhe end

people are shallow

they see actors not delivery systems of

a morality a philosophy an intent that presidents really are

we must work within that demeaning framework ugh🙃

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Could not agree with you more

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Jul 7Liked by appleton king

The polls aren’t sinking. He pulled ahead in Michigan and Wisconsin today and closed the gap in AZ, Nev, GA, and will certainly win PA. Biden isn’t going to step down.

There’s a powerful backlash against Project 2025 and believe it or not there’s a greater chance Trump will be forced out. If not, he’ll choose a truly awful running mate, maybe Tulsi Gabbard who’ll alienate what few undecideds are left.

The “Pass the Torch” movement is being led by your rival for Nicolle Wallace’s heart, Steve Schmidt and being countered by, wait for it, Dick Cheney and John Bolton, who both called Trump an existential threat to the US. Bedfellows make strange politics indeed. Look for G.W.B. to endorse Biden.

Around the world: Iran “elected” a more moderate president and might seek Biden’s help in getting a ceasefire in Gaza.

Brazil convicted Trump’s ally, Bolsanaro for corruption.

Labor swept the elections in the UK and are turning against Brexit.

Mexico has a new leftist president who will help Biden on the border.

Things are moving in Venezuela that could get them back on our side.

NATO will back a counter-offensive in Ukraine that will badly weaken Putin and his orange, American friend.

Don’t sweat the small stuff, the big stuff will kill you quicker.

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this is a considered if somewhat overly optimistic analysis

and dont think i dont appreciate you wading thru the Wolfian ramble as evidenced by nicole

dig ha...the fact that new hampshire could now be in play and not one poll showing anything but movement toward trump.post debate concerns me...yesterday i just talked and argued with young southerner i worked with and his support for trump is based on the pen borders, inflation, and his honesty in being asshole...i was appalled snd he is smart guy but theres no budging his panic at "the squad" new green deal etc

rural america hss been brainwashed john we cant depend on a man in depends any longer

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Jul 7Liked by appleton king

You can’t underestimate the asshole factor, although you can overestimate the importance of polling.

The thing is: a lot of support Trump gets in polls is coming from younger males who are generally too lazy to actually vote, especially if they live in states where mail-in and absentee voting is discouraged. These incels are highly motivated to respond to polls, but leaving their rooms or skipping lunch to go vote, not so much.

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I do appreciate your POV, Apple, as one who has lived in so many places and whose love for the country just smears itself all over your generous prose. I feel like Biden 2023 is from another era entirely, all of a sudden.

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i so agree i do

the onset and speed of this stuff is something ive begun to notice in my own forgetfulness... ADD to make up for a lost step or 2

i forgot to mention that in intro you reminded me 😉🫠

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Jul 6Liked by appleton king

I don’t know why this popped into my head while reading — my friend, still in Louisiana has an Etsy shop and her last name is Landry. When people receive her packages they routinely send her a message asking if she’s related to the Swamp People…

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i do SO hope thats the name of a band or ill someone in a rubber suit over to check on you...for delilah's protection of


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Jul 7Liked by appleton king

I like how you pick yourself up and build things and create and write and report, and most of all I love that you wrote letters with someone about a mile away. Just wonderful! I am behind Joe and yet, the push is getting strong and I don't know if he can hang on. I just worry about a quick replace now. Thanks for your political musings and who knows, maybe Nicole is up for a date? ; )

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she would probably "block" me like a recent best selling activist/journalist on here haha...she mentioned something about a "generalised sexuality" to my email in addition to other warning signs as an exhortation to "never contact me again.Ever."

i guess that was supposed to wound. lol

it did not....she has no idea 😂☝️

i never take myself thst seriously

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Jul 8Liked by appleton king

Oh sounds like things escalated quickly. I notice that happens online!

I used to write letters often and kind of miss doing it although now I have the computer habit and that takes a lot of the time I once had.

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