I totally agree and add this: We are at what could be a critical point after the debate because something was clearly amiss with President Biden who has done such a great job--and not enough is known about that or about what was wrong during the debate. As a president, he must make decisions and he has, brillliantly, but as a candidate he must communicate and he failed at that during the debate. The question we who support him and must face is whether he should gracefully concede and admit that one term was enough. I do think something is wrong, perhaps a medical condition that has not yet been diagnosed. That performance was not only a cold--how could it be? I'll vote for him but my fear is that the race is too close, that what is at stake is too great to allow Trump to win because, if he does, and he might, we will lose our democracy, our Constitution and our freedom. By not allowing someone younger and stronger to take over--and there is still time--he will be making the mistake that Ruth Bader Ginsburg made. I know that we are not the deciders for this question that I raise, but I do think we are at a critical point to save our country and prevent Trump, his morally deficient persona, his desire for an autocracy and his lies to take over.

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awww i should have known our mutual scanning if the Times might flush you out of hiding even if i am working my way on this end thru your absorbing short story collection while not assembling political rants

as diversion from "homesteading" the prairie 🤣

funny thing : i wrote this and immediately read Maureen Dowd's column today....have i found soul mate...at longgggg last ?🤪🤫🙄

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With you on your Joe commentary. It was simply stunningly bad. But it needs to be a personal decision with his closest family members, like you mentioned. I heard he appeared much more lively later that night and then the next day in NC, but we can't erase the tape that we all saw. Of course, Trump was awful, but awful with strength. I can't figure out what Biden's prep was like. It seemed like he tried to regurgitate an hours' worth of policies in 2 minutes. I'm still processing it. I do feel like it's pretty late to pick and put in motion a new candidate, but if it can happen in a unifying way, it could be propelling. I thank Joe Biden for his excellent work as president. He just should have probably stuck with the original 1-term plan.

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i resd your own piece last night as i was contemplating this and how revealing it is of your spirit a calm if playfully disturbing nod....so different from my own thrashing about

so i had that duck egg in dream on brain lol 😉😇

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Duck eggs are great! It's funny we can't always see our revealing spirit so feedback is always interesting. I think your thrashing about is always very literary and musical in tempo. I am always up for politics, so thanks for that, I could talk about it for days, which is why I help out with local grassroots stuff in my county.

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Jun 29Liked by appleton king

“Awful with strength”?? What does that say about choices? There are likely some I can see supporting fully, but I doubt they could succeed - because of race and gender.

Why can’t we vote for the party that we actually have seen working competently and diligently (his administration that includes neither bannon on or miller??).

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i know its a pipe dream but i so hope Joe is going around touting his team's good work in prep for handing that team over to an electable candidate after he realises (and he wont surrounded by syncophants) HE is now unelectable given ss he was behind in most realistic polls at his highwater mark before this utter DISASTER/SHITSHOW

Trump will play the "disability" card sparingly but as Nov. nears it will be fucking relentless the ads showing Joe like the bewildered victim of an alien abduction ugh

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It could be that’s a route he decides to take though rather than alienating a large demographic by not putting Kamala forward, who’s the choice?

Tell me?

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I like the argument Ezra Klein made which is that running for office and holding office are two different jobs. The second he can do, but not the first. And there’s no second without it. What is it about your writing that makes my heart so ache for America? I love her so dearly and so fiercely. You remind me.

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phew...scared me there for a second...glad we are in agreement and my own views...well to get them in this piece was a torturous goat path so thanks💥💪

ezra observation so good and what i wanted to say but forgot in body was the idea many have expressed and we all feel that the "president" is far too dependent on our expectation of "star" when basically like the throat he or she is just a delivery system of food (the people and party around him) to the damn stomach...that said this delivery system is suffering terrible blockage 😜

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Jun 29Liked by appleton king

I feel like you could’ve written for the Lampoon! Or at least the pups could inspire some good material.

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damn and i was hoping for the comparison to Thomas Paine er sumthin but i guess Alfred E. Neumann will do!! 🤓

omg the dogs!!! and now spoiled rotten hummingbirds thank christ THEY dont need shock collars ha

now i see you wrote something so ill wander over and throw something thru window....🫣🤭

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Brave of you to take a stand. Hat’s off! I don’t do politics for good reason but I couldn’t agree more with what you said. Four (or more) years of that lying blowhard orange-head would be a disaster. FYI: Enjoyed the rest of your tale too.

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thanks that means alot and i envy your discipline as so very often political discussion can veer into the superficial and indulgent and perusing your own posts the desire to share literature poetry art and contribute to that more inclusive conversation is revealing of a deeper or shall we say generous nature 💥☝️

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Oh and also great photo!

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ditto for yours!!! we went all rivers this week 😊😇

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It doesn’t look good, but maybe things can turn around.

The majority of Americans may not want to take sides with Russia against our NATO allies.

The majority of Fortune 500 companies don’t want tariffs.

Jobs are solid.

The new President of Mexico no doubt would prefer Trump doesn’t return to power, she should be able to calm things down south of the border.

Biden should scrap the debates. He can’t stand up to the non-stop lies. He should host a series of panels with his cabinet, Never-Trumpers, and members of the intelligence community strategizing in public on how to defeat MAGA.

Harris, not Biden is the weak link. Replace her on the ticket with the governor of a Great Lakes state, preferably Pritzker. Make Harris the next AG, weaponize the Justice Dept, chop MAGA off at the knees with the sword, shove the scales of justice up its ass the wide way.

Have a little faith in Americans, assholes that we are.


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great analysis but we part ways with the ticket remove Harris and Biden the only way to go...and i dont want your Ca. gov. but the Michigan one on top

good to see ya john 🫡

sorry itsunder these circumstances 🥵

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Jun 30Liked by appleton king

I don’t want Newsom either.

No way Biden is stepping down, nor should he. Whitmer is his reelection co-chair, so she’s not pressuring him.

At this time in 2012, Obama was in worse shape against a more palatable opponent.

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she won't need to pressure him...the writing is on the wall: he stays we lose. If you read Robert Reich on here we will know Biden's true decision within 10 days and probably parse it out sooner in the way he campaigns in that time. If he touts his record more than his stamina and capability as a candidate then its a pretty good bet he has seen the light and is setting the stage for withdrawing. I dont understand comparisons to Obama who was youthful and back then states like Ohio were in play.Now its down to just a few

really 3 in my opinion and Trump led in every single one before the debacle.

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Jul 1Liked by appleton king

What walls are you getting your information from? The OP?

The worm has turned, and I’m not talking about the one that ate RFK Jr’s brain. A poll taken today shows Biden’s performance at the debate is less of a problem with voters than Trump’s lies.

Don’t take my word for it though. I went to Horace Greeley High School, named after the buffoon who demanded Lincoln step down in 1864.

Here’s Keith Olbermann to put things in proper context.


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perhaps a convo best suited for the “OP” at least we’d be playing cards and wondering what the new bartender’s name was….i listened for several minutes

and its no coincidence that Keith and Larry O’Donnell from msnbc now who used to fill in for him are circling the wagons and i love Larry Boston guy wrote for Harvard Lampoon “the West Wing”

they are gonna go to bat for an 82 year old as both in 70’s…Lincoln was what? 44? plus he had the Gettysburgh Address in him to come….all Joe has now is possibly the oven time and heat directions for Gortons fish sticks


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Jul 1Liked by appleton king

God, I hope they don’t have a gas oven at the White House. Biden’s cabinet is way more competent than the garbage Bush and Trump had in there. Better than Obama and Clinton’s too.

Olbermann is younger than you.

Lincoln was 56 and suffered from severe depression, so members of his cabinet and financiers wanted another candidate, Salmon Chase.

Most of the guys who played cards at the OP have passed: Dick Carver (probably in the middle of deciding whether to bid his hand), Kenny Provan, Craig Bovia, Richard, and Stephen Hutchins, who was a big Trumper with whom I argued endlessly on Facebook before he died last year. His partner in that hash smuggling ring, has sold the movie rights to a book he wrote.

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cooker? wrote book? jaysus

i wrote to him for years when he was in jail saw him when he got out a few times

red sox fanatic

hate that those guys are gone

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2 hrs agoLiked by appleton king

Welp, Keith Olbermann has reversed his position. If Biden steps down now, it would give Harris the power of incumbency and she’s the most capable candidate to prosecute Trump in the court of public opinion.


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it was a matter of time...i adore Harris but she fell on the immigration

sword....Newsom is coast liberal....it must be Gretchen i believe

and btw i beat Obbermann and all those talking heads to the punch by a mile but not takin any victory laps until Joe makes it off icial next week and the above mentioned present their csses....or....not 🙃😜💪

we will win

Trump is the worst candidate ever fielded by Anybody 🤯

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