Taking Huron to Huron beach…life could be worse! 🤍

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i know right??!! xo

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May 23Liked by appleton king

“…to the limitless liquid playground, the exultant freedom of that magnetising body which all here revolves, resolves, around and with deference as a planet does a life-giving sun: Lake Superior.” Love this so much.

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too kind….but…that IS your nature!

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Where is Arkansas? Bill C was the best thing outta there. I loved the feeling of this- I felt along for the fly fish, along the river, playing with dogs, being in companionship. Eating breakfast. Easy and real and artful prose. You are right though, it would be hell to read all of it outloud ; D

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hell on me and of course everyone else….i can’t pause like you do😉

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Took me on a tour of your life in one deep breath.

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awww mary....need to get you a scuba tank its gonna get deeper 🤣🤣

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Apple, I love that you have these witnesses to your life. I really get it. Nobody knows our secrets quite like a dog. And a dog never tells. I appreciate, too, how you give them the berth for their own mischief and adventures, even as the intimacy between you all deepens. What more could any of us want in our companions?

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its not unlike with kids i suppose...you SO want them to revel in their independence (chasing deer into far forest causes me passing concern) but also if wary of their dependence, loyalty which i crave too but not to detriment of their own impulses... its an interesting balance and i know you do balance it and with (not to compare) much larger stakes but yes attachment to living creatures makes us vulnerable...demands our growth?

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For some reason, it’s impossible to re-stack a piece of this without getting half words on both sides. So what I wanted was this:

…”their pulse quickening circular rises with a buoyant dry and the flash of water when they pounce like a woman’s passing unguarded smile on a sidewalk its perception simultaneous with the yanking down of sensitive rod tip and in that instant you are only there in moment connected to their vital energy.”

I love that. And I definitely need to change the lure on my fishing rod, lol.

Beautifully descriptive, Apple, and great pictures. (hey! I’ll just use that instead) I really enjoyed it, I would like to take that swim you talk about one day….

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