“September that practical month like cold well water dashed in face upon waking calls for a sound-track” the perfect description for September!! I’ve never felt more alive!!

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hmmmmmm watch out World? ....!^%$#!!! ha

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this sounds like a lovely life. i never thought about where Love-Love came from!

why do you spray your marshall amp switch?

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lately the lower power setting on the 40 watt DSL has been losing volume so it was suggested in various forums to spray the switch with approved cleaner....no luck its probably pre-amp tube so i'll order a few.....in meantime higher setting works but not very suitable for home use as it is LOUD...in general Marshall's perform best at high volume but for now i must keep that volume down...pissed as the amp is only 4 years old if that but takes a beating with dust and some meanderings

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oh yeah that’s surprising it’s a young amp. that’s too bad

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Yeah, I feel love all over this piece but especially in that picture of you surrounded by your tolerant animals.

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isn't it strange how when we feed things they tend to tolerate us more? heeeee

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You grab me and won't let go. I, too, while watching the tennis (Hasn't it been fab?) last night said inside my head, "Why is zero called 'love'" and I did this while switching between the news to find out what awful thing Trump or now Musk???? is trying to do to our only hope: Harris. Love the trailer and that 'love' doesn't mean zero.

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yes! i missed about all of Olympics and to see these young Americans in full glow of youth kick ass is pure joy and like you i suspect i sense a synchronicity in where Americans want to go with leadership that has a heart a soul a vision...that said you are a treasure as always

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And this is why older men rule.

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well we have tons of time to contemplate because we pee every 30 minutes lol

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I rarely listen to my CDs any more. This one is where I left it 8 years ago.


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weird as i as usual had the apple music goin via phone thru speakers as i read this comment john (i only discovered streaming music a few years ago and regret any time now with all the cds and tape cassettes and old albums as i have created a playlist of thousands of songs) and when i clicked on the link to that image i thought it was your song playing but turned out it was one on my playlist a killer "All these blues" tune by frank goldwasser off a compilation album "East meets West" (of all things) Blues Harp Meltdown.....omg dont know where i found that but.....anyways i remember you had your favorites and even might have got me interested i n that great singer for 10,000 Maniacs and im so senile i can't bring her name up right now ugh

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Sep 5·edited Sep 7

You hated Natalie Merchant, at least that song where she’s complaining about the weather.

Carsie Blanton is my jam now. The last CD I bought about a year ago at a show in Berkeley: Found it in my glove compartment today and was blasting this song while entering a gated community. The lady in the guard shack started dancing to it.



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This was a great read. I can very much relate in many ways.

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i imagine your energy level exceeds mine on every level but hoping the colder air revives deadness in legs

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I don’t know about that. I have to force myself up and out most days. I am walking in effort to make the arthritis pain better. It doesn’t work, but helps some.

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Sep 5Liked by appleton king

“ I have been a willing captive to the motion of the sun, the slivers of moon even aware that next year there will be different grasshoppers in the field but the same stars in the neutral sky and all repositioning in their arcs as the seasons shift.” Simply beautiful Apple!

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I’m so happy to see you sharing your heartfelt reflections on life again. The way you described September, of course, touched me. Thank you, AK. xo.

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so sweet thanks all the way to Brazilian spring xo

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